Rotary Club of Navan Annual Kids Day

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Rotary Club of Navan Annual Kids day out June 11th for St Mary's & St Ultans Schools in Navan. Great Fun day out this year at Causey Farm for St Mary's and Dublin Zoo for St Ultans. Thanks To the Principals and staff of the Two Schools for the help on the Day and to all Rotary Volunteers. Particular thanks to Deirdre Murtagh of Causey Farm and Dublin Zoo and their staff for making such a enjoyable and special Experience for the Children. Thanks to Carolan's for providing the transport and excellent efficient and professional service on the the day.

LR Sean Lynch Navan Rotary , Eugene Craughan Navan Rotary, Maria Corredor John Craig Navan Rotary, Deirdre Murtagh

L-R John Craig Navan Rotary, Barry O' Brien Lynch President Rotary Club of Navan Jean Cunningham Principal St Ultans' Rob Callaghan Navan Rotary

L-R John Craig Navan Rotary, Barry O' Brien Lynch President Rotary Club of Navan Jean Cunningham Principal St Ultans' Rob Callaghan Navan Rotary. And we are off !!

The Rotary Club of Navan

The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.

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